Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Caribbean black beans and rice recipe inspired by Pompano Joe's beach restaurant

I was eating at Pompano Joe's on the beach which was one of the best vaca ever by the way:) but I don't just want good food while on vaca so I studied my plate and went to cooking!
Here's a picture of their black beans and rice.
I usually research tons of recipes till I find one most like I'm trying to create then use it as a guide while taking out or adding more ingredients than the actually recipe. I like to think the rest is filled with luv<3 To keep any recipes from getting messed up while cooking I used  one of my mom's magnets to hold it up over the stove where i can see it as i cook:)
I usually research tons of recipes till I find one most like I'm trying to create then use it as a guide while taking out or adding more ingredients than the actually recipe. I like to think the rest is filled with love.To keep any recipes from getting messed up while cooking I used one of my mom's magnets to hold it up over the stove where i can see it as I cook:)

First cook some old fashion white rice. I luv white sticky rice but if your going healthy you can use brown or wild rice I suppose just can't make any promises on it tasting the same. If you hate white rice then it will prob taste pretty good to you though. Cook as the box says for how many serving you think your'll need. I cook 2 cups worth.
First cook some old fashion white rice. I luv white sticky rice but if your going healthy you can use brown or wild rice I suppose just can't make any promises on it tasting the same. If you hate white rice then it will prob taste pretty good to you though. Cook as the box says for how many serving you think your'll need. I cook 2 cups worth.

Now for a short cut as I think of all the ppl out there with children and lives! I use bell peppers for a lot of recipes bc they taste good and are good for you:) This recipe calls for finely chopped bell peppers though and how lucky was I to find this at publix containing all three colored bell peppers already chopped up?! Located by the salad stuff. So if you already have bell peppers use them or you can buy this. The next thing is to get a yellow onion which they provide as well if you don't have one around the house.
Now for a short cut as I think of all the ppl out there with children and lives! I use bell peppers for a lot of recipes bc they taste good and are good for you:) This recipe calls for finely chopped bell peppers though and how lucky was I to find this at publix containing all three colored bell peppers already chopped up?! Located by the salad stuff. So if you already have bell peppers use them or you can buy this. The next thing is to get a yellow onion which they provide as well if you don't have one around the house.

So here comes the fun part! Thow in the whole thing of bell peppers, chooped onion, and chopped celery about 1 cup each. I use extra virgin olive oil to saute it all. This can be on med heat while your rice is covered staying warm. I like my onion to be almost carmelized while the bell peppers are a tad crunchy, So you can use your own judgement as when to add stuff. Next depending on ur luv of garlic you will want to add just a little or a whole clove. I'm afraid of the garlic taking away from the caribbean taste I'm going for. So I add only a tsp of minced garlic to the pan. Notice how you prob can't see it in the picture bc I want it to flavor it but not over power. So lets review the pan should have bell peppers, onion, celery, and a lil garlic. Just add 1 TBS of oregano to the mix.
So here comes the fun part! Thow in the whole thing of bell peppers, chooped onion, and chopped celery about 1 cup each. I use extra virgin olive oil to saute it all. This can be on med heat while your rice is covered staying warm. I like my onion to be almost carmelized while the bell peppers are a tad crunchy, So you can use your own judgement as when to add stuff. Next depending on ur luv of garlic you will want to add just a little or a whole clove. I'm afraid of the garlic taking away from the caribbean taste I'm going for. So I add only a tsp of minced garlic to the pan. Notice how you prob can't see it in the picture bc I want it to flavor it but not over power. So lets review the pan should have bell peppers, onion, celery, and a lil garlic. Just add 1 TBS of oregano to the mix.

Lastly add 2 cans of black beans. I use bush's canned beans bc it doesn't have any added stuff like salt or special sauce. We just want black beans in only water if possible. IMPORTANT! This comes from experimenting with cooking. I only made this recipe because I love the black beans and rice I had on vacation last week at the beach. But I don't just want good food while on vaca so I studied my dish to make this taste and even look the same. The goal is to get the mix to soak down into the rice. To do this you must no drain the can just toss the whole thing in there:) cook till the beans have been able to warm up about 20 min. After adding the beans add 1/8-1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper. This is going to give it that caribbean kick! So if you can't take hot stuff only put 1/8 of a tsp into this to the mix. Towards then end add 2 TBS of white vinigar also to make it a lil runny if all the liquids are evaporated. you want it to be a lil soupy to put over your rice.
Lastly add 2 cans of black beans. I use bush's canned beans bc it doesn't have any added stuff like salt or special sauce. We just want black beans in only water if possible. IMPORTANT! This comes from experimenting with cooking. I only made this recipe because I love the black beans and rice I had on vacation last week at the beach. But I don't just want good food while on vaca so I studied my dish to make this taste and even look the same. The goal is to get the mix to soak down into the rice. To do this you must no drain the can just toss the whole thing in there:) cook till the beans have been able to warm up about 20 min. After adding the beans add 1/8-1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper. This is going to give it that caribbean kick! So if you can't take hot stuff only put 1/8 of a tsp into this to the mix. Towards then end add 2 TBS of white vinigar also to make it a lil runny if all the liquids are evaporated. you want it to be a lil soupy to put over your rice.

Scope a couple spoons of rice then scope the black beans mix over it and wha-la!
Scope a couple spoons of rice then scope the black beans mix over it and wha-la!